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Espressif Systems ESP32-WROOM-32E-N4

Manufacturer Espressif Systems
Mfr. Part # ESP32-WROOM-32E-N4
LCSC Part # C701341
Package SMD,18x25.5mm
Customer #
Datasheet Espressif Systems ESP32-WROOM-32E-N4
ECCN 5A992c
Description SMD,18x25.5mm WiFi Modules ROHS


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Attribute Value Search
Category IoT/Communication Modules/WiFi Modules
Datasheet Espressif Systems ESP32-WROOM-32E-N4
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In Stock: 4245
WHS-HK: 386
WHS-ZH: 1921
WHS-JS: 1938
Minimum : 1 Multiples : 1
Unit Price $ 0
Ext. Price $ 0
Pricing (USD)
Sales Unit: Piece Full Reel: 650
Qty. Unit Price Ext. Price
1+ $3.8364 $ 3.84
10+ $3.4485 $ 34.49
30+ $3.25 $ 97.50
100+ $2.9849 $ 298.49
650+ $2.8894 $ 1878.11
1300+ $2.8485 $ 3703.05

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