Global Distributor
Wide selection of electronics components in stock and ready to ship
Our Story
LCSC was established in 2012 with the aim of assisting local engineers and businesses by overcoming challenges related to acquiring genuine electronic component samples and facilitating small-scale production. As part of this vision, LCSC ensures the authenticity of every component we provide.

After years of unremitting efforts, LCSC has evolved into a global distributor with a wide range of electronic components. With over 4.6 million registered customers globally, we process an average of about 16,000 orders daily. LCSC is recognized by customers for providing quick delivery through in-stock inventory, facilitated by our ownership of 130,000㎡ intelligent warehouses.
Registered Users
Daily Orders
In-stock Warehouses
Our Strengths
In-Stock Inventory
LCSC owns 130,000 square meters of intelligent warehouses that stock more than 560,000 SKUs from 2,600 manufacturers. The component categories continue to expand, offering a wider selection and better prices for our customers. The self-developed warehouse management system made order processing easier and faster. From parts picked to sorting completed, it takes the quickest as 4 hours.
With the original intention of the company to provide genuine electronic components, LCSC consistently sticks to the high standard of purchasing parts only from original manufacturers, their authorized distributors, or reliable suppliers. LCSC's quality management system is certified to the ISO 9001:2015 standard.
Quotes Team
LCSC has a specialized quotes team to assist our customers in sourcing electronic components from the global network of suppliers at a very competitive price. If you are having trouble finding out-of-stock, obsolete, or end-of-life parts, or if you want to reduce your procurement costs, consider requesting a quote from LCSC to meet your needs.
Global Shipping
LCSC ships to most countries worldwide. We offer express delivery for fast shipping requests and some economic shipping methods for non-urgent small orders. Please select your destination country to view the available shipping methods and estimated shipping costs in your shopping cart.
Payment Methods
LCSC accepts PayPal, Credit Card/ Debit Card, and Wire Transfer payment methods so far, and more popular payment methods will be added in the future. 100% prepaid terms and NET terms (conditional) are both available at LCSC. Contact customer service to ask for more information about payment.
Exclusive Customer Service
An exclusive customer service representative will be assigned to you when you need assistance placing an order or dealing with order issues, etc.
Technical Support
Need help with finding the right parts or recommendations for your design, receiving defective products, or having any problems using the LCSC products, LCSC live tech support is available from 09:30 - 18:30 Monday - Friday (GMT+8).
After Sales Service
LCSC covers a 30 days warranty against any quality issues. Non-cancelable/Non-Returnable (NCNR) products are not returnable.
PCB/PCBA Manufacturing
We offer premium PCB/PCBA prototype and batch orders with over 18 years of manufacturing experience. Every user can get coupons every month to save the cost! Share us with Gerber, BOM, and CPL and get your designs built fast!
Custom Cable Assemblies
LCSC offers a variety of value-added services, including custom cable assemblies. Tailor the cable assembly to perfectly fit your design needs. Send your quote request and target price, and we will take care of the rest.
Front Panel Customization
LCSC offers professional customization production services for acrylic panels and film panels. The customizable products include enclosure panels, signage and nameplates, display window panels, touch panels, and membrane keypad overlays.
LCSC-Reels Service
LCSC offers re-reeling services for orders with quantities less than a full reel. It is to put the cut tape on a reel by adding a leader and trailer. To see if LCSC-Reels service is available, check the LCSC-Reels tips while browsing or the packaging options when adding parts to cart.