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Analog Devices AD21489WBCPZ302

Manufacturer Analog Devices
Mfr. Part # AD21489WBCPZ302
LCSC Part # C1017150
Package LFCSP-88-VQ(12x12)
Customer #
Datasheet Analog Devices AD21489WBCPZ302
ECCN 3A991A2
Description LFCSP-88-VQ(12x12) Digital Signal Processors (DSP/DSC) ROHS


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Category Embedded Processors & Controllers/Digital Signal Processors (DSP/DSC)
Datasheet Analog Devices AD21489WBCPZ302
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Sales Unit: Piece Full Tray: 168
Qty. Unit Price Ext. Price
1+ $24.0072 $ 24.01
200+ $9.2917 $ 1858.34
500+ $8.9645 $ 4482.25
1000+ $8.8025 $ 8802.50

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