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Changzhou Starsea Elec FR107

Manufacturer Changzhou Starsea Elec
Mfr. Part # FR107
LCSC Part # C84064
Package DO-41
Customer #
Datasheet Changzhou Starsea Elec FR107
Description 1.3V@1A 500ns 1A 1kV DO-41 Fast Recovery / High Efficiency Diodes ROHS


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Attribute Value Search
Category Diodes/Fast Recovery / High Efficiency Diodes
Datasheet Changzhou Starsea Elec FR107
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In Stock: 929
WHS-ZH: 909
WHS-JS: 20
Minimum : 20 Multiples : 20
Unit Price $ 0
Ext. Price $ 0
Pricing (USD)
Sales Unit: Piece Full Box: 5000
Qty. Unit Price Ext. Price
20+ $0.0207 $ 0.41
200+ $ 0.0167 $0.017 $ 3.34
600+ $ 0.0132 $0.0149 $ 7.92
5000+ $ 0.0099 $0.0112 $ 49.50
10000+ $ 0.0090 $0.0102 $ 90.00
20000+ $ 0.0085 $0.0096 $ 170.00

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