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Korean Hroparts Elec TF-04A

Manufacturer Korean Hroparts Elec
Mfr. Part # TF-04A
LCSC Part # C145799
Package SMD
Customer #
Datasheet Korean Hroparts Elec TF-04A
Description Card Slot MicroSD card (TF card) Flip type SMD SD Card / Memory Card Connector ROHS
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Attribute Value Search
Category Connectors/SD Card / Memory Card Connector
Datasheet Korean Hroparts Elec TF-04A
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In Stock: 7541
WHS-ZH: 2302
WHS-JS: 5239
Minimum : 5 Multiples : 5
Unit Price $ 0
Ext. Price $ 0
Pricing (USD)
Sales Unit: Piece Full Reel: 1000
Qty. Unit Price Ext. Price
5+ $ 0.1785 $0.194 $ 0.89
50+ $ 0.1457 $0.1583 $ 7.29
150+ $ 0.1317 $0.1431 $ 19.76
1000+ $ 0.1141 $0.124 $ 114.10
2000+ $ 0.1063 $0.1155 $ 212.60
5000+ $ 0.1016 $0.1104 $ 508.00

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