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XKB Connection K282103D-Y2

Manufacturer XKB Connection
Mfr. Part # K282103D-Y2
LCSC Part # C5138055
Package -
Customer #
Datasheet XKB Connection K282103D-Y2
Description Automotive Connector Accessories Automobile Connectors ROHS
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Attribute Value Search
Category Connectors/Automobile Connectors
Datasheet XKB Connection K282103D-Y2
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In Stock: 5921
WHS-ZH: 5900
WHS-JS: 21
Minimum : 50 Multiples : 50
Unit Price $ 0
Ext. Price $ 0
Pricing (USD)
Sales Unit: Piece Full Bag: 2000
Qty. Unit Price Ext. Price
50+ $ 0.0144 $0.016 $ 0.72
500+ $ 0.0117 $0.0129 $ 5.85
2000+ $ 0.0097 $0.0107 $ 19.40
4000+ $ 0.0088 $0.0097 $ 35.20
24000+ $ 0.0080 $0.0088 $ 192.00
50000+ $ 0.0075 $0.0083 $ 375.00

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