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Inventus Power FVA100018A

Manufacturer Inventus Power
Mfr. Part # FVA100018A
LCSC Part # C6253543
Package -
Customer #
Datasheet Inventus Power FVA100018A
Description AC-DC Power Modules ROHS


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Category Power Modules/AC-DC Power Modules
Datasheet Inventus Power FVA100018A
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Minimum : 1 Multiples : 1
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Pricing (USD)
Sales Unit: Piece Full Box: 12
Qty. Unit Price Ext. Price
1+ $150.7509 $ 150.75
204+ $60.1513 $ 12270.87
504+ $58.1405 $ 29302.81
996+ $57.148 $ 56919.41

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