
Hitachi serves diverse market segments in the U.S. with a broad range of infrastructure, business and consumer products, services and solutions aimed at benefiting customers and society. Learn more about Hitachi in the U.S. and its offerings in information technology, electronic devices, industrial and automotive systems, the biomedical field, transportation and logistics, financial services and audio visual and consumer products. Browse through the sections below to learn more about how Hitachi leverages its advanced technologies to create value for society. You can also learn more about Hitachi America, Hitachi’s events and Hitachi products, services and solutions.
Embedded Processors & Controllers (1)
Logic (2)
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Customer Service: 0086-755-83210457
Logistics Dept.: 0086-755-83233027

9:30am to 12pm and 1:30pm to 10pm,
Monday through Friday, UTC/GMT +8.